Wednesday, September 1, 1999
Shame on Citizen for beer-boosters story

Shame on you for running the front-page article, “Boosters + beer = big bucks,” in the Aug. 25 edition of The Citizen as a news story.

Shame on your reporter for basing a highly sensationalized article around a single letter to the editor from an unnamed source. This isn't news. This is an alarmist reaction to the opinion of one “concerned parent” — someone who apparently doesn't realize that selling and consuming alcohol are legal in the state of Georgia for adults over the age of 21.

Perhaps this disgruntled letter writer would offer to shell out the $500 to $1,000 per year in fees that are required for each student to participate in any of the high school bands and many of the varsity sports in Fayette County. Some of us in Fayette County are fortunate enough to write a check for these activities without blinking. Some of us are not.

Even those who can afford to pay their children's fees often opt to support the band or athletic program by helping with fund-raisers. Isn't that the real message we want to send our children? Don't we want them to leave high school not only with the benefit of participating in marching band and athletics but also with the example of service?

For the record, we have not participated in fund-raisers at the Georgia Dome or Atlanta Motor Speedway, but not for any conscientious objection to these activities. We simply don't have the time. We do, however, work in the concession stand and chaperone many band events at McIntosh High School, and we sell fruit and candy. We've also allowed our daughter to work at Georgia Dome fund-raisers since she turned 16.

Don't students develop a sense of personal responsibility by helping to earn money for their extracurricular activities? Would the anonymous letter writer criticize a student for earning money for band or football camp by working at a restaurant — even a grocery store — that sells alcohol?

We applaud the parents who give their time to fund-raisers at the Dome, Speedway, and Lakewood Amphitheater, which also support the general funds for these bands. Many parents prefer this form of fund-raising to hawking pledges from friends and neighbors.

My advice to the letter writer: Get a life.

I trust that you're already patronizing local fund-raisers for high school athletic and band programs, or that your company sponsors one of these programs. Otherwise, your complaint is the height of hypocrisy.

My advice to The Citizen: Give us some real news. Maybe then you'd have some real credibility in this community.

Chuck and Marie Powers
Peachtree City

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