The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Wednesday, August 18, 1999
Fayetteville approves cable transfer

Staff Writer

Fayetteville City Council Monday agreed to transfer the city's franchise agreement with Intermedia cable television system to AT&T under a merger agreement between the companies.

But council wants to be sure the transfer doesn't affect a similar agreement with MediaOne cable. The city's franchise agreement with MediaOne expires at the end of this year, and city officials plan to negotiate a new contract at that time.

“You need to continue to operate under the Intermedia agreement, and you need to continue to negotiate with MediaOne,” Georgia Municipal Association representative Edith Spencer told the council.

Because both Intermedia and MediaOne are being merged with AT&T, mishandling of the transfer of Intermedia could be construed as transfer of MediaOne's franchise as well, she advised the group.

Council passed a resolution authorizing the Intermedia transfer, stating that the city will continue to allow both carriers to operate under separate agreements.

Officials eventually hope to renegotiate the agreement so that both companies operate under one franchise agreement.

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