Wednesday, August 4, 1999
Why don't schools punish rule-breakers

It has occurred to me that no comment us students make about the strain that these new dress code rules put on our wardrobes will sway the school board's decision. It doesn't matter if the new rules are ludicrous to us or not. You need a quick solution and this was all you can come up with.

You gave two reasons in the newspaper to justify this new “tucked-in shirts” rule. One was that the absence of baggy clothes will mean less violence. Don't you think that is a little prejudiced? Many of my friends and peers, including myself, sometimes wear baggy clothes, since that is the style. Everyone wears clothes like that, not just “gang” members or violent types.

The second reason you gave in the newspaper was that “students will act how they are dressed.” You made it sound that anyone who doesn't tuck in their shirt or who wears a tank top is a slob. This statement is also very prejudiced. There are many different styles of tank tops. Some lack taste, are very inappropriate for school and others are very tasteful and appropriate enough for church. The same goes for shirts that are not tucked in.

A t-shirt that falls to your knees is rather inappropriate, but a fitted shirt or sweater that doesn't even fall to your hips is tasteful.

I realize how hard it is for you to differentiate with your all-purpose rules, but you should not punish all Fayette students for the bad taste of a few.

In closing, I'd like to say that these rules do about as much good towards stopping school violence as sweeping dust under a rug does for cleaning a house. It's a quick fix because you can't come up with anything better. I've gone to school in Fayette County for 11 years, and never did I once fear for my safety because of someone else's clothing. It is not the issue here. The issue here is violence.

Children commit acts of violence today because the consequences are not as harsh as they should be. A child no longer gets punished for mouthing off to an authority figure. Fighting in school only carries a few days' suspension. Why is the system afraid to punish and enforce?

Kimberly Alberts

Junior, Sandy Creek High School

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