The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Wednesday, July 7, 1999
Collins announces support for
GOP budget agenda

U.S. Rep. Mac Collins, R-Hampton, joined House Republican leaders last week in front of the U.S. Capitol to rally for the Republican “BEST” agenda.

“Our BEST agenda is best for America's families and workers. It is fair, and it empowers people, not government,” Collins said. “Three months ago, we passed an historic and significant balanced budget resolution which established the framework for all we are working to accomplish,” Collins added.

From the budget resolution, he said, the Republican BEST agenda was created. It includes:

Bolstering national security: The House of Representatives passed the National Missile Defense Act and a military pay raise. Future action is expected to protect nuclear secrets.

Education excellence: The House passed education funding flexibility into law, Collins said, increasing local control. Congress expects action on a teacher quality bill and legislation to further increase local control and flexibility and academic accountability.

Strengthening retirement security: The House of Representatives took action to lock away 100 percent of the retirement security surplus so it can be spent only on Social Security and Medicare programs. Action is expected on eliminating the Social Security earnings limit which halts Social Security payments to seniors who earn over a set amount in the work place.

Tax relief for working Americans: “In July we will pass taxpayer relief to make sure hard-working Americans keep more of what they earn,” said Collins.


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