The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page
Wednesday, June 30, 1999

Let's try these common sense reforms

House Republicans last week laid out their domestic agenda, preempting the president, who presented his domestic agenda shortly afterward.

How do you define 'freedom'?
The Amy Foundation

In his recent appearance on Meet the Press, Bill Bennett commented that something is radically wrong with a nation in which students can, with impunity, walk the halls of a school building shouting, “Heil, Hitler!”, while other students can be taken to the principal's office for walking those same halls shouting praises to Almighty God.

For traffic, Atlanta joins L.A., N.Y.C.
Laugh Lines
New York City and Los Angeles dance the tango when it comes to garnering national headlines for every important issue known to man. From business to media to entertainment, N.Y.C. and L.A., always lead the pack.


Letters to the Editor


How can Americans 'rescue' Kosovo, but ignore Rwanda?

Genocide and other abused of political and military power are not by and means newcomers to the world. From biblical times to Nazi Germany to the present, we have been given countless horrific examples of how the powers that be are again and again able to get away with the murder of thousands or even millions of people. Genocide surfaces from the depths of evil blindly; it is not forbidden to any cultures or class. We cannot explain why it happens, but we can only be shocked that it was allowed to happen. Adolph Hitler raising an army against the Jewish people is not as appalling as the fact that millions of Germans allowed it to happen.

Unkind justice over Fayetteville Pavilion speeding ticket?

Way back in November of this past year I was driving down Ga. Highway 314 in search of the Office Depot in town. Having not been in the area for almost 10 years, I noticed a lot of changes around what is now Pavilion Parkway.

Stop Cramming houses in every PTC corner

I read the letter about unchecked growth in Peachtree City and Mr. Jansen's views on our great city, and agree with him wholeheartedly.

Yard sale limits are intrusions not needed

I read your headline in the Wednesday, June 16 edition: “Too many garage sales in Fayetteville?”

Who is protected?

We kill children inside and outside the womb in the name of equal rights. For whom? We are certainly not protecting the innocent.


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