The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Wednesday, June 23, 1999
Collins hails aviation funding bill

U.S. Rep. Mac Collins, R-Hampton, applauded the passage of the “Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR 21, or HR 1000), historic legislation to improve airport safety and expand airport capacity.

The five-year bill will restructure and reauthorize programs of the Federal Aviation Administration, and ensure that taxes travelers pay on airline tickets are used to maintain the aviation system as intended, Collins said.

“Budgetary integrity and honesty demand that taxes collected for a specific purpose should be used for that purpose,” he said. “AIR 21 forces the government to preserve aviation ticket taxes for aviation improvements. As airline passengers, we pay taxes every time we fly. If we are required to pay taxes for a specific purpose, those funds should be used for that purpose, and not transferred to other, totally unrelated government programs.”

Under the bill, money from the Aviation Trust Fund will be earmarked for the Airport Improvement Program, air traffic control facilities and equipment, airport security, noise abatement programs, and environmental streamlining programs, Collins said.

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