The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, June 9, 1999
Why do we support bands with violent lyrics?

On Saturday, June 5, Atlanta Motor Speedway hosted Rockfest `99. During the event, several bands glorified violence and suicide. Lyrics were sung that encourage killing the president, cutting off the head of your mother while you “watch the blood spurt like a garden hose,” and other perverse acts of savagery. Words to a few of the songs can be found on the web at

Surely groups like this should not be invited to perform, especially after the recent incidents at Columbine and Heritage High. Granted, all violent acts do not result from hearing such lyrics. However, “hate speech” such as this only serves to perpetuate a culture of violence in our society.

You may say, “This is a free country. People can say what they want.” What if one of the bands were named KKK, used the “N” word several times, and encouraged people to cut their heads off. What would be your response? Many would call this “hate speech” that encourages excessive violence. There would be an outcry in the community that would not tolerate such trash.

What's the difference? Both groups encourage graphic violence.

Some will say that words will not influence people to do violent acts. They say that if this were so, everyone that hears the lyrics would go out and do them.

Let me ask a question. If words do not influence, why do advertisers spend billions each year to encourage you to buy their product?

Words, music and images are made to influence you to buy. The truth is, not everyone will buy a particular product, but some will. Concerning the violent lyrics, not everyone will follow through with the idea of shooting, killing, or blowing others up, but some will.

Remember, it only took two persons at Columbine and one person in Conyers to traumatize this nation. Now, practically every school in America lives under a cloud of fear.

Some will say that there were some good bands playing at Rockfest and the event should not be criticized because of a few groups that glamorize violence and suicide.

Again, what if just one group were invited that promoted violence against another race or ethnic group? Would it be acceptable? Why do we turn our heads when groups encourage killing and mutilating parents, girlfriends, and leaders of our country?

Why would businesses provide financial support for an event that promotes graphic violence?

If you are concerned about the moral and spiritual decay in our country, let your voice be heard. The web page listed above provides a list of sponsors and how to contact them.

Keith Turner



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