Wednesday, May 26, 1999 |
In view of the fact that metro Atlanta is the fastest growing metro region in the country and reflecting on the sprawl of the booming neighboring counties, there have been many articles in the paper of late concerning high density, rezonings and blatant developments. When I read in the paper that a developer was trying to influence a zoning text amendment in Tyrone, I could only think, "What next? Don't the developers already own the counties as it is?" I could not help but be amused that [Peachtree City] Mayor [Bob] Lenox endeavored to refute Cal Beverly's (publisher of the Peachtree Citizen Review) editorial about the mayor saying that when the city acquired the sewer system it would never extend its services beyond the city limits. I, as well as many other citizens, were present at a city council meeting when that statement was made by the mayor. It appears [Councilwoman] Annie McMenamin also remembers that statement as reported in the Citizen Review. I can appreciate the fact that Senoia would like to hook up to our sewer, but where would it go from there? Question: "How does that help Peachtree City?" In the past few years I have witnessed approvals of small projects, only to find out later that they became much bigger projects. We have already caved in to PCDC (now known as Pathway Communities) with the Chimneys and many other properties. My concern is whether our sewer system is able to look after Peachtree City. We now know the previous lack of maintenance by PCDC has led to replacement parts, and many of the pumps and motors have had to be rebuilt or replaced, so shouldn't we take a second look at delivering sewage to extremities? We've had remarkable growth and are we sure we know how to deal with it? Visit the Ga. highways 54 and 74 intersection some afternoon. A recent letter to the editor by Jim Ryan questions the build-out population of 38,000. I believe we may already be there, because of apartments already planned and many cluster home developments already approved by the city council. Yet we talk about annexing 1,000 acres and Mayor Lenox has said, "Our citizens told us they felt it would be a good idea for us to annex that area." What citizens was he talking to? It's very much like Mayor Lenox saying that "the citizens didn't want the Mews." Was he talking to the same citizens? However, all is not doom and gloom. When I read the news of the Fayette County Commission, I smile and am so heartened by the fact that Harold Bost, Linda Wells, Greg Dunn and, sometimes Herb Frady, are doing such a fine job for the county. They listen to the citizens (in fact they encourage participation) and they look at development in a constructive fashion and consider what is best for the long-term interest of the county. Harold Bost, now chairman, had always been a leader in that respect but never had any assistance till the last election. Elections do make a difference and we should remember that! In closing, I've always wondered why the Peachtree City Development Authority Committee has always had the same members on the committee for so many years. Mildred Harris