The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Sunday, May 23, 1999
O.B.E. and S.C.A.T.


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Each week my son Robbie, and sometimes my daughter, Nikki, go out for breakfast before school. We enjoy each other's company and it is very special for all of us, especially me, the doting father. I love my children and my family.

While I was in the Army we used to have a saying called "O.B.E". This meant that if you got too busy and events just ate up your day, you were "Overcome, By Events!".

Have you ever wished you could go back and do something all over again differently?

I wonder if America wishes we could go back and redo the thinking of the late 60's and early 70's and rethink the ideas that were being espoused such as "there are no absolutes" and "do your own thingism".

With the backdrop of the Colorado and Rockdale County school shootings, I hope and pray that several years from now we don't look back and say "We were so O.B.E. that we didn't take the time to learn the lessons of what our kids in today's society are saying and acting out."

It takes a tremendous amount of rage for a young person to plan and calculate how one would secure a weapon and enter his or her High School and kill classmates and teachers. Where do we think this rage is coming from? Where does a student get this kind of anger? I believe it comes from the society we handed them. It came from the O.B.E. society that said my two jobs and my divorce are the most important thing in the world to me. We said that our personal freedoms of "expression" were more important than to stop the pornography filth on the Internet. We then laugh and support the very popular and decadent Jerry Springer Show. You remember, the one that bleeps out the four letter words as men and women openly abuse and attack each other on stage while the crowds cheer them on. All the while Jerry stands there and encourages the fights to hopefully raise his TV ratings.

We then go into our video stores and rent the most violent movies possible and watch all the filth they can cram into the two hour time frame.

We then turn on our living room TV's and watch infidelity, drugs, rape, murder, theft, homosexuality, Presidential adultery, lying, disrespect to authority, and crime, crime, and more crime.

Then when a child who finally reaches "rage overload" and kills everyone, we stand back and say "my, my why would anyone ever do such a thing?"

America, if we are ever going to fix any of this, we must remove the filth from our living rooms and lives that cause people this kind of rage. If you or I are soo O.B.E. in chasing the American dream that we don't stop and practice the ways of God and clean up our society, then we will reap the whirlwind and these latest events in our schools will be just the tip of the iceberg!!

Parents and students, try not to be O.B.E. this next Tuesday night , May 25, to attend the S.C.A.T (Students, Community Against Terrorism) meeting at 7:PM in the Starr's Mill High School Gym, on Hwy 74 between Fayetteville and Peachtree City. Your imput is needed!

[Dr. Knox Herndon is the Pastor of "His House Community Church" (SBC) and a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County school system, and a former Army Chaplain. The church is located at 193 Johnson Ave Fayetteville, Ga. Right behind the Mask Tire Co. off Jeff Davis Dr. Fayetteville. Prayer line (770)-719-2365 E-Mail]

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