Wednesday, April 28, 1999
Neither NATO nor Bill Clinton will ever force peace in Balkans

It is appalling to watch this pathetic administration attempt to rebuild a tarnished presidential legacy by attacking a sovereign country, Yugoslavia, with a formerly defensive alliance, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). NATO was formed to protect member nations from aggression by a nonmember country, specifically, the former Soviet Union.

This alliance provided a powerful deterrent against aggression until this administration. Now, NATO is carrying out the same type of aggression that it was designed to prevent. When the NATO attacks began, only 2000 Serbs and Albanians had been killed during a two year civil war. Those are pretty minor numbers compared with the fact that there are 18,000 Americans killed a year by criminals.

The fighting in Kosovo between these two factions began in 138; 103 years before Columbus even discovered the New World. NATO nor Bill Clinton will ever force these people to get along. It is pipe dream that is common to liberals who know absolutely nothing about the truths of war. Bill Clinton sits in his office, 10,000 miles from the conflict and conducts a push-button war against a person he disagrees with, yet he will not allow NATO bombers to attack the palace of Slobodan Milosovic because he has a Rembrandt painting hanging on a wall. How many lives is a Rembrandt painting worth?

A few years ago, Clinton had NATO bomb Milosovic and his Serb army when they were trying to gain their independence and now he orders the bombing of the same Serbs because they will not allow Kosovo to gain their independence. Could Bill Clinton be a Serbophobe? Or a Slobophobe?

According to Dick Morris' book, Bill Clinton once said to him, “It seems to take a war to move a President into the first tier of Presidents, such as Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.” Could this jerk possibly be trying to move himself into that first tier of presidents? Of course he is and he does not care who or how many people die in the process. NATO forces, American soldiers, Kosovars, Albanians, or Serbs all are dying to try to resuscitate a dying legacy.

Clinton has not replaced a single bomb or missile used in his numerous attacks and the Democrats can blame the next Republican President for spending way too much money rebuilding the military. It happened after Carter and it will happen after this administration is over.

The most disturbing part is that the Coward in Chief has corrupted the country. The rule of law, the justice department, the military and, now, NATO. Now we see what happens when a man with no character occupies the Oval Office with a selfish, slavish desire for greatness. This man is dangerous and the situation in the Balkans is also very close to becoming a real conflict involving Russia and other neighbors of the Serbs.

Kevin Arnold


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