Wednesday, April 28, 1999
Dress to learn: It's time to require school uniforms

Another horrifying tragedy at a public school and so many questions with very few answers. I believe it is time to institute change and mandate a safe learning environment for our children.

Watching the early reports and interviews with some of the Littleton students, they seemed to recognize the “colors” or gang attire of these murderers as the “Trench Coat Mafia.” Gangs or cliques form groups and express themselves by dressing alike and isolating themselves from other groups and the student body.

It is so rare that I agree with any of President Clinton's ideas, but I concur that it is time to seriously consider school uniforms. School uniforms would take away any distraction and children will dress as students coming to school to learn.

School uniforms will decrease the ridicule between the “haves” and the “have nots,” or who's wearing the latest designer jeans, shirts, shoes, as well as much of the distraction of what little some of the girls wear. As they walk through the school door, all students would feel on equal footing.

The drug dealers or those who do not belong at a school will stick out and be very obvious to school security that these persons do not belong there. There would be no more fights in the morning with the moms about what they will or can not wear to school. School uniforms would also be a cost savings to families by not needing 10 or 12 different outfits.

Many parents will disagree and say their children need “self expression.” Students may do that on weekends and after school hours.

School is a place to learn academics. If the children dress more appropriate, they may begin to act like ladies and gentlemen and have more respect for their teachers, their fellow students, and for themselves.

Our society has become so desensitized to violence. Parents need to pay more attention to what their children are watching and games they are playing. Some of the hottest video games are extremely violent.

Where were the parents of these murderous children when the “Trench Coats” were amassing these weapons and building their bombs? Warning bells should be ringing at both the home and school when gang-type apparel appears on students.

Many of the countries that excel academically require school uniforms, as well as most private schools. Why not let the public schools try something that is proven to work and may protect our students at the same time?

How many shootings have occurred at a private school? School uniforms will not solve all the problems, but on the other hand, it sure would not make things worse than they are now!

Patrick Lynch

Peachtree City

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