The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, November 18, 1998
Clinton and Saddam: Twins?

Letters from Our Readers

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As the world awaits and America prepares for yet another military attack on Iraq, an ironic paradox occurred to me. We are about to bomb Saddam Hussein because he lied about giving weapons inspectors complete access.

So what? Bill Clinton lied, as well, and under oath. The media and his supporters say So what?

Saddam lied to the U.N. Clinton lied to the U.S. So what?

Saddam calls the Untied States an evil devil. Clinton calls Ken Starr an evil devil.

Saddam uses poison gas to suppress his enemies. Clinton uses the IRS and the FBI to suppress his.

Saddam has concubines while Clinton has interns.

Saddam smokes cigars. Clinton uses cigars.

Saddam worships Allah. Clinton worships government.

Saddam claims his enemy is the West. Clinton claims his enemy is right wing extremists.

Saddam launched Scud missiles at Israelis. Clinton launched Tomahawk missiles and destroyed a legitimate drug factory.

Saddam's evil henchmen are the Republican Guard. Clinton's henchmen are Carville, Begala, Geraldo, Democrats, and the media. They claim to guard against evil Republicans.

The paradox is Saddam Hussein and Bill Clinton are two of a kind. They are both power-hungry, vindictive, pathological liars who are the heads of their countries. Unfortunately for Iraq, and thanks to previous Republican administrations, Clinton has better weapons.

Kevin D. Arnold

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