The Fayette Citizen-Lawn & Garden Page
Wednesday, October 7, 1998

Lawn & Garden

Creating the right atmosphere of your home begins with scents

Creating the right atmosphere depends as much on the scents in your home as it does the furnishings.

Scents like cinnamon can add a cozy, laid-back feeling while more floral scents can be refreshing and stimulating.

Here are some recommendations by Hallmark for various scents you can release in your home:

· Cinnamon

Effect: warms and stimulates

Scent: spicy

Blends well with citrus oils, clove and nutmeg

· Clove

Effect: stimulates and energizes

Scent: spicy

Blends well with peppermint, rosemary, rose, orange and nutmeg

· Jasmine

Effect: uplifts, balances, relaxes

Scent: floral

Blends well with rose, juniper and lavender

· Lavender

Effect: relaxes, restores, balances body and mind

Scent: herbaceous

Blends well with clove, eucalyptus, patchouli, rose and jasmine

· Orange

Effect: soothes, restores, uplifts, enhances alertness

Scent: citrus

Blends well with grapefruit, lemon and mandarin

· Patchouli

Effect: uplifts, can enhance alertness

Scent: musky, exotic

Blends well with sandalwood, clove rose and sage

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