Staff Writer
Fayette public safety workers have the same problem
with their radios that cell phone users have in the southern part
of the county. There are dead spots where communication is
"Yes, there are spots here and there in the south end of
the county and along the western border," said Cheryl Rogers,
director of the county's E911 communications center.
Lee Wright, who builds cell towers in the area and
leases space on them for cellular phones as well as for emergency radio
antennae, told the Fayette Planning Commission last week that
the current moratorium on cell towers is holding up plans to
improve that situation.
"There is no access for the new [Starr's Mill] schools,"
said Wright.
"If a firefighter goes into the school, he loses
communication at various places within the school," he added.
The commission is working with cellular phone companies
to develop a master plan for towers in the county in efforts to have
as few as possible and to make them as unobtrusive as possible.
Meanwhile, the County Commission has imposed a
moratorium on future tower permit applications, and the Planning
Commission has tabled four requests for tower permits until October.
Commission member Al Gilbert expressed alarm. "I know
if I had children in that school I would be concerned," he
said, adding that the group should consider lifting the moratorium
for at least one tower to help solve that problem.
"Additional tower coverage would help with the
problem," said Rogers. County Sheriff's deputies, firefighters and
emergency medical workers must rely on signals from a single
500-foot tower at McDonough Road and Volunteer Way in
Fayetteville, she said.
The Planning Commission will continue the discussion at
its Sept. 17 meeting.