The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, August 12, 1998
Proud to be full-time mom

Letters from Our Readers

I am proud and fortunate to say that I have chosen to be a full-time, stay-at-home parent. I believe that trying to educate society on the definition of a full-time parent continues to be an uphill struggle. But I haven't given up hope.

The emotional value of choosing to be the primary caregiver of one's own children is, for me at least, continually rewarding and fulfilling. I have moments of fond reflection on my days in the "other workplace" and I enjoy the moment and then I assure myself that I will return soon enough. This time that I share now with my preschoolers is fleeting and priceless.

On the dollar-value side of the story, Parent's Magazine published a 1995 article which showed the estimated dollar value of services provided by a full-time, stay-at-home parent of two preschool-aged children. The services ranged from 24 hour, on-call daycare to planning and budget responsibilities. The calculated annual salary for this "position" was $36,348.00. While I feel that this salary is on the low end for all of the responsibilities it involves, it is encouraging to note that efforts are being made to bring attention to these stay-at-home parents' efforts.

In closing, I'll quote F. Carolyn Graglia, lecturer, author, stay-at-home mother and former attorney; "Clearly some women do experience full-time child-rearing as a joy, not a sacrifice; even when their initial decision to stay at home is prompted by the altruistic motive that this will be best for their children. That these women should find life at home to be enjoyable and rewarding is at least reasonable. It is scarcely debatable then, that society should support, not undermine, their lives at home."

Jan Oden
Peachtree city

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