Wednesday, May 26, 2004

A bun in the oven


Expecting? Nothing beats good preparation. In every worthwhile endeavor we normally plot a course of action to ensure success. This is just as important as you prepare for your pregnancy.

During this period of time before you become pregnant (preconception) there are a number of things to take into consideration. Preconception care is important for both the mother and the father to help lower the risks of medical and obstetrical complications. Getting good health care before you become pregnant will help you throughout the pregnancy and also with the energy reserves needed when the new addition to the family arrives.

If you are planning to become pregnant you should let all of your physicians know, especially if you are receiving specialized care for other medical conditions. Some women have medical problems, such as diabetes (high blood sugar), high blood pressure, and cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) problems that may increase risks for them or their fetus. They will need special care during the pregnancy. If you are on any medications to control any of these conditions, they should be discussed with your medical doctor and obstetrician to determine if changes need to be made before you become pregnant. Not all medications can be continued during the pregnancy because of fetal effects and changing these in the preconception period is extremely helpful.

A healthy and balanced diet is good for you all during your life but it is especially important during pregnancy because what you eat supports the growth of your fetus. It is always good to develop these habits before your pregnancy to optimize the early fetal development. A variety of nutrients, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and proteins are needed to stay healthy and help the fetus to grow normally. It is suggested that you begin a prenatal vitamin or a multivitamin that includes a good source of folic acid because this can help to reduce the risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida. Your doctor can review your diet and suggest changes that may help you and your fetus. He or she may suggest changes for problem areas.

Alcohol, tobacco, drug use and exposure to some environmental substances (such as radiation) can harm both you and your fetus. Use or exposure to these substances especially early in pregnancy when much of the organ development takes place has been linked to birth defects, premature births and low birth weight. Using good judgment and avoiding problematic situations is warranted.

Your health care professional can answer many questions for you and help to get you on the road to achieving the healthy and wonderful pregnancy that you desire. Becoming a parent is a major commitment filled with challenges, rewards and choices. Make a few changes now by keeping fit, eating wisely, avoiding things that could be harmful and visiting your doctor. This way you have done the most you can to prepare for a normal pregnancy and a healthy baby.

— Mironda D. Williams, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

Obstetrician, Peachtree City

Peachtree City Obstetrics and Gynecology, P.C.

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