Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Cain will focus on GOP ideal of limited gov’t.

The citizens of the state of Georgia deserve an education about a number of issues in this campaign, not just a spectacle of government bureaucrats and their diary of broken promises. Whatever happened to the Republican principles of limited government?

Federal government spending is now more than seven times larger than it was 40 years ago and entitlements (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security) account for approximately two-thirds of total federal spending.

The current tax code is complex and marginal tax rates are high. A simple tax code is sensible. Social Security should have a property right where accounts utilize savings and investment and can be beneficiary-directed.

Yes, we have a choice. Herman Cain understands that we need to make these important and necessary changes. We need a candidate who can take the “bull by the horns” and be a problem solver.

As Republicans, we believe in the principles and values of limited government, individual liberty and freedom. Then we should elect a leader such as Herman Cain who shares these values.

Yes, that proven leader is Herman Cain, the only candidate that is talking about solving our nation’s problems and believing in our principles and values.

George E. Barthel, Jr.

Peachtree City, Ga.

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