Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran confirms 39

Thirty-nine eighth-graders were confirmed April 4 at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City. The students spent three years in weekly classes which addressed the Bible, teachings of the church including the Creeds, and living their faith in daily life.

They were interviewed by the Congregational Council and passed an extensive written examination. They participated in groups which contributed to worship by singing, ringing handbells, playing in The Shepherd’s Band, creating liturgical dances, doing puppet shows, presenting dramas, and reading Scripture.

Those confirmed were Landon Tufte, Keaton Hannon, Megan Fletcher, Ashley Aarsvold, Marissa Stockham, Bethany Martindill, Cherise Quamme, Cassandra Light, Madison Cook and Garrett Bosecker.

Also, Michelle Patrick, Julia Hallett, Courtney Simmonds, Lauren Karpiak, Caitlin Simmonds, Luke Guerrero, Zachary Bruhn, Jesse Gibson, Zane McCarthy, Ruthanne Kahley, Ashley Alexius, Alexandra Bringmann, Marlene Davis and Adam Lewis.

Also, Karla Deeds, Megan Harrison, Peter Glaeser, Jacob Moore, Devlin McGuire, Andrew Peters, Kevin Dietze, Clinton Kimzey, Craig Handy, Joseph Garde, Matthew Manley, Drew Clasen, Ethan Simantel and Clare Elliot.

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