Wednesday, February 25, 2004

About body restoration technique

Body restoration technique, unlike hormone replacement therapy, is a method of bringing the hormone system into balance naturally. It does not involve giving a person hormones or medications. It uses the body’s acupuncture points to rejuvenate and revitalize a person’s hormones and endocrine glands as well as all the related body connections.

The hormones in the body can easily become disturbed and confused by many factors. Toxic substances or endocrine disruptors are what we have found to be behind many endocrines and hormone dysfunctions. BRT is a technique designed to assist the body in locating and restoring the damage of theses disruptors. BRT can help to detoxify these blockers and thereby open up the communication within the glands and hormones.

Our endocrine system is always trying to maintain a delicate balance and when one hormone is increased in one location, other hormones are decreased in another location. Body restoration technique was designed to realign the communication between glands, restore hormone function and rid the negative effects of endocrine disruptors introduced into our bodies. It brings the hormones and glands back to how they were before being corrupted, when they used to work for you instead of against you. External toxic exposure from various sources has put our glandular system in confusion. Your glands and hormones can’t get anything dome when they are confused.

“I have thyroid symptoms but my blood tests are normal.”

Many people with thyroid symptoms that come into our office have been to their other doctors and had blood tests but didn’t show abnormal findings. This is because they did not really have a primary thyroid problem. It was secondary to something else. Endocrine disruptors have the ability to fit onto the thyroid like a key going into a lock, blocking thyroid hormones and creating confusion. This makes the thyroid hormones unavailable to the body. It could be compared to putting a key into a lock of a safe and them breaking the end off. You have a situation where you can’t get in the safe to get the hormones — they are unavailable to you. BRT pulls the key out so you can gain access to your own hormones.

With BRT, we can remove the blockages and help to rejuvenate and balance the hormones in the body naturally and quickly with minimal side effects. The side effects that may occur during the process include temporary fatigue, moodiness and an exaggeration of whatever symptom you are trying to resolve.

What are these endocrine disruptors? These are foreign chemicals that act as estrogens. Modern scientists define estrogens as materials that stimulate tissue growth by increasing cell size or increasing cell division, like in the female breast tissue and uterus. DDT, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides are just a few. Chemical compounds from plastics, industrial detergents, perfumes that absorb through the skin, birth control pill, hormone replacement therapy, and heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.) are others. Hormones in the food supply ­ from animals being injected with estrogens and growth hormones ­ are yet another group of disruptors. Even the deadly DES, a banned estrogen given to pregnant mothers in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s as well as farm animals, is present in our environment.

These chemicals can cause cells to multiply excessively. What does this mean? It means that being exposed to theses items can create tumors, cysts, fibroids, enlarged lymph nodes, and even cancer.

BRT is a painless, drugless way to restore normal communications within the hormone system of the body. It removes blockages and helps to rejuvenate and balance the hormones in the body naturally and quickly with minimal side effects.

— Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

(Dr. V has been a wellness advocate for 25 years. She is currently the clinic director at Health Concepts, 570-D N. Jeff Davis Drive in Fayetteville. For a consultation and demonstration of services, call 770-719-8785.)

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