Its not too late By
Rev. JUSTIN KOLLMEYER The second man dug and drilled ONLY one and a half more feet ONLY 18 more inches to find the treasure.
Im told this is a true story: Out in Nevada around 1900, an investor bought an old abandoned gold mine. He was mockingly criticized for this purchase because he was told that the mine had been worked for years, and it was conclusive that there was just no gold in this particular mine. The man who had owned it previously had worked many years, but then just quit digging. I give up! he had exclaimed. Theres no gold here! But the new owner was convinced that it would at least be worth a try to go back in and dig and drill. The potential of hitting the mother lode gave him great strength and enthusiasm. Well, as you might have already guessed, the new owner DID find the mother lode. That mine turned out to be the largest producer of gold ever found. The second man was a millionaire many times over. But heres the point of the story: The second man dug and drilled ONLY one and a half more feet ONLY 18 more inches to find the treasure. Were happy for him, but the SAD THING is that the first man quit too soon. He didnt go the distance. He gave up before he could have had ALL he needed and all he wanted. How sad. How sad! Sometimes our spiritual lives are like that. Is your spiritual life like that? Maybe even right now? Of course, God hasnt given up on you, but maybe youve given up on God. Maybe you have the feeling that youve put in your time and you just havent gotten the spiritual blessing you had hoped for. So youre ready to quit. Ready to look elsewhere for the mother load treasure of life. Dont! Dont quit! Dont give up on God! Again, God hasnt given up on you! Wouldnt it be a shame if you didnt go the distance with God. Wouldnt it be a shame if you just drifted out into life without ever having found the peace and joy that gives life its true meaning? The original owner of the mine would say, Im so sorry I quit too soon! Dont do what I did! The hot thing in churches these days is a 40 Days of Purpose experience, based on Rick Warrens book The Purpose Driven Life. Its wonderful! It is intended to give us all new life and enthusiasm for God and for those whom we love and those in the world around us. Wouldnt it be a shame if you didnt participate? Wouldnt it be a shame if you decided to stay out of this one? Wouldnt it be a shame if you quit when you were so close to real life and the joy and satisfaction of living life to its fullest? Wouldnt it be a shame if you got this close and didnt get all you need and all you want? The good news is that its NOT TOO LATE! You havent missed out yet. You still have time to go the distance. Jump right in! Make this a priority in your life. Mark your calendar. Set the dates in stone. Make plans with your family. Call your friends and get them in on the deal. Expect great things. Nows the time. Nows the time! Well start our 40 Days of Purpose with a Simulcast Kick-off on Saturday, February 21st at 4:00 p.m. in the Life Center here on the Prince of Peace campus. Im amped up! The potential of hitting the mother load treasure gives me great strength and super enthusiasm. I hope it does you too! If you dont have a church right now, come be a part of this! Were so convinced that this is the real deal that were giving away the book The Purpose Driven Life at the simulcast to all those who will come and take this journey together. Ill look for you. (Kollmeyer is pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on Hwy. 314 in Fayetteville between Lowes and Fayette Pavilion. The Simulcast Kick-off for 40 Days of Purpose is Saturday, Feb. 21, 4:00 p.m. The weekly Key Messages for the 40 Days will be delivered in Sunday services at 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Anyone not in a church right now is invited and encouraged to attend. For more information: www.popdove.com or 770-461-3403.)