Sunday, February 1, 2004

DOT to reconsider request for traffic light near Fayette Pavilion


Concerned about future and current traffic in the area, Fayetteville officials have persuaded the Georgia Department of Transportation to reconsider its decision not to allow a traffic light to be located at Ga. Highway 85 north at Ellis Road.

The intersection is currently the home to Johnny Carino’s Country Italian restaurant and developers plan to locate a Zaxby’s restaurant on the east side of the highway that will link Ellis Road to the new J&R Clothing shopping plaza.

The access road to Johnny Carino’s also connects motorists to other nearby restaurants including Moe’s Southwest Grill, Ted’s Montana Grill and Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse.

City Manager Joe Morton recently told the City Council he felt a traffic light should be considered for the intersection for safety reasons. During periods of heavy traffic, with sight viewing complications, vehicles southbound on Hwy. 85 can find it difficult to turn onto Ellis Road. It can also be tough for vehicles leaving Ellis Road to go straight across to the Johnny Carino’s access road.

A developer also has agreed to pay for the installation as a traffic improvement, Morton said.

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