Friday, December 26, 2003

Flu confirmed in Fulton death

Health officials urge prevention measures

Initial test results show that a 5-year-old Fulton County girl died from complications of influenza earlier this week.

The Georgia Public Health Laboratory reported the positive flu virus identification to the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness Dec. 17. The state is awaiting final confirmation and identification of the flu strain from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This is the first confirmed influenza death in Georgia for the 2003-2004 flu season. The state is investigating three other deaths in children outside of metro Atlanta.

Most flu patients fully recover. However, influenza claims approximately 36,000 lives each year nationwide, and causes 115,000 hospitalizations. The elderly, very young children, and people whose immune systems may be compromised are particularly vulnerable to the virus.

Strategies for preventing the spread of the flu virus include:

• Keep your hands away from your face, particularly your eyes, nose and mouth, where the flu can enter your body.

• Cover nose and mouth with a tissue whenever coughing or sneezing; discard tissue immediately. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve.

• Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

• Stay home from work or school for five to seven days if you have flu-like symptoms.

• Seek medical attention for unusual symptoms, such as difficult or painful breathing, confusion, uncontrolled fever, or dehydration.

• Seek vaccination early in the flu season for children age 6-24 months, the elderly or people with chronic health conditions.

Due to the early onset of this year’s flu season and high demand for vaccine, Fulton County and other metro Atlanta health departments have exhausted their vaccine supplies. The Department is awaiting Georgia’s distribution of vaccine recently purchased from Arkansas.

Some vaccine may still be available through private providers.

Since October, Fulton County has administered more than 10,000 doses of flu vaccine in a two-pronged campaign targeting high-risk populations and their caregivers.

For additional information, access or contact the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness:

• Office of Epidemiology at 404-730-1391.

• Health centers at 404-730-1211.

• Handwashing Hotline at 404-730-4280.