Sunday, December 21, 2003

Collins still urges caution in Iraq

Rep. Mac Collins praised the U.S. Armed Forces and the nation’s intelligence community for their hard work in capturing Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein. But Collins cautioned that the capture of Saddam, a man he characterized as a “brutal dictator,” does not mean violence has ended in that country because it is still a dangerous place.

“The American and Coalition forces must proceed with caution. Just because the brutal dictator has been captured does not mean Iraq is going to turn into a peaceful paradise overnight,” said Collins. “There are still many of his followers and other insurgents that will want to retaliate against coalition forces and disrupt the progress being made in Iraq. We should continue to be on guard and will not leave Iraq until the mission has been completed and the Iraqi people are living in freedom with a representative government and never again being threatened by a tyrant like Saddam.”

Collins, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence led a congressional delegation to Iraq during Thanksgiving week to talk with our dedicated men and women in uniform, along with military, intelligence and civilian officials. The trip provided a great deal of first-hand insight into our mission in Iraq — insight that Congressman Collins shared directly with President Bush and his most trusted advisors upon his return.

“I am reminded of what Col. Ralph Baker (U.S. Army, Commander, 2BCT, 1st Armor Division) said during my visit,” stated Collins. “The two best times the coalition forces have had were when Saddam's two sons were killed and when the coalition has rebuilt and rededicated schools and public works projects. It is at these times, when the Iraqi people have come to understand that the United States and the Coalition are true partners with them — partners in bringing peace, freedom, and prosperity to Iraq. At these times the Iraqi people have provided valuable information to our military personnel, which is then passed along to our intelligence services, and acted upon - in this case the action, again, was successful.”

“Today is a great day. A brutal dictator has been captured and the American armed forces have given both America and the world a wonderful holiday gift — the capture of Saddam Hussein. The President’s message is strong. Iraqis who took the side of freedom, took the winning side. A dark and painful era is over in Iraq but the capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of violence in Iraq,” Collins said.

“Upon hearing about Saddam's capture this morning, a friend of mine told me, ‘We got that rat Saddam out of the hole. Now, let’s put him back in one, this time in a coffin,’” he continued.

Collins believes that the message is clear to terrorists around the world that the United States will not relent in the war on terrorism, and will continue to fight cell by cell until the war against terrorism is won.

“We will not rest until these terrorists are brought to justice. They are cowards who attacked our great country on Sept. 11, 2001, murdering three thousand innocent people.  These terrorists, who have no regard for human life and human dignity, should not be allowed another minute of freedom in any part of the world. Saddam’s capture sends that strong message. We still have a long way to go. But with the strength of the American people behind our Armed Forces and with God's help, we shall not fail,” Collins concluded.

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