Friday, December 5, 2003

Keep South Fulton Beautiful wants your trees

Special to The Citizen

Judy Noles wants your Christmas trees, but you can keep the ornaments and the twinkling lights.

Far from being the Grinch, Judy heads up Keep South Fulton Beautiful and along with Davey Tree Company is sponsoring Bring One For The Chipper at the Cascade Road Home Depot January 3.

Trees which usually end up along the highway or in the back yard can be recycled and used as mulch for gardens and landscaping. The annual Christmas tree event is just one way that Keep South Fulton Beautiful encourages its neighbors to preserve the beauty of their surroundings.

Dogwood seedlings provided by the Georgia Forestry Nursery will be given out in exchange for the old trees on a first come, first serve basis.

With little or no funding the nonprofit organization has been doing what it can since 1985 to make a difference. Programs that involve educating children about littering and combating the effects of the "broken window theory" have been helpful in making South Fulton a desirable place to live and work.

We're working with Mercer University to get interns to work with us for academic extra credit," Noles said. Currently attending the National Keep America Beautiful Conference in Washington, D.C. Noles will be receiving the President's Circle Award in recognition of her hard work.

Keep South Fulton Beautiful has been involved in the Great American Cleanup each year and annually attends workshops for training and education in ecological matters. Noles said her desire is to influence the community and help it become more aware of its environment.

Their website which is geared for teachers and has links to related subjects can be accessed at