Friday, November 14, 2003

Library board hears schedule for expansion


Library commission hears early timetable for library project

Rome wasn’t built in a day, so the public shouldn’t expect any different for the Peachtree City Library. Director of Leisure Services Randy Gaddo addressed the library commission on Wednesday night, as did Blaine Paxton from Leo Daly, the company that did the conceptual design for the library project. No concrete dates were set, but a more definitive schedule should be available soon.

Gaddo started by saying that the ball is already rolling. The city’s finance staff and outside specialists, specifically a bond underwriter and bond counselor, are preparing all of the documents to purchase a bond. Their fees come from the allotted $200,000 in the bond expenses. Their duty is to lock in the best interest rate and choose the best method of selling the bonds, either private or public. Gaddo then stated that they could get started with Phase II of the project anyway by using $20,000 which Leo Daly agreed to credit, if the bond referendum passed and also cash reserves which would be paid back when the bond money starts coming in.

“It is also important that we don’t draw proceeds from the bond any sooner than necessary,” said Gaddo. “Once we do, we have a 24 month window to spend it.”

Paxton addressed the commission next and said that their part of the process of going from schematics to sending out the design for bids could take up to six months. They will go back over their preliminary design and have more sessions with staff and the public, discussing exactly what is necessary and questioning every decision they made initially with their first design.

Paxton then gave a rough example of a timetable by stating, “If we started the design process on Dec. 1, construction could possibly begin in August.”

The commission plans to keep the public informed every step of the way and is planning on having a timetable on display at the entrance of the library. A cleared schedule should be available at their next meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 10 at 6:30 p.m.

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