The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Sandy Creek High ambassadors back from Australia trip

Four Sandy Creek High School students proudly represented Fayette County, the state of Georgia and the United States this summer as they traveled to Australia as Student Ambassadors with the People to People Student Ambassadors program.

Amanda Lakeman, Emily Biemiller, Christy Bruns, and Julie Grant made the trip and were warmly received at various destinations along the Australian eastern coast, from Sydney in the south, to the Great Barrier Reef in the north. Along their way, small towns would post signs welcoming them along their way. The delegates had the opportunity to stay in the homes and build relationships with Australian families as well as spending several days working on a ranch in the outback.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower founded People to People during his administration, and eight U.S. presidents have served as honorary chairman. People to People Student Ambassadors travel overseas for 2-3 weeks during the summer to learn, share, and represent their communities and schools.

Sandy Creek had the most students selected as Student Ambassadors this year.

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