Sunday, July 6, 2003

Blood donors needed to combat summer, weather-related shortage


With the typical summer shortage in the area's blood supply, the American Red Cross is campaigning for assistance.

Local residents will have their chance to contribute Sunday, July 13 at the First United Methodist Church in Fayetteville from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

This week, the amount of O-positive, O-negative and B-negative units on hand were less than a day's supply, said Marcy Blount of the American Red Cross.

"In the past few weeks with the severe weather we have seen a sharp decline in donations," Blount said. "We really need people to come on out and donate in the next few days and weeks to help bolster the blood supply."

The blood supply dwindles in the summer because schools aren't open to hold blood drives, and those donations account for a significant amount of the supply, according to Red Cross officials. Also, businesses that typically hold blood drives during the school year tend to slow down the pace in the summer because of employees taking vacation.

Those planning to donate should set aside about an hour for the whole process, including registration, donation and recovery time with juice and cookies, Blount said.

Appointment times are available by calling the blood drive hotline at 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or online at

Interested persons who can't attend the blood drive can donate blood at the new donation center the Red Cross recently opened in Stockbridge. The center is located at 675 Southcrest Parkway in suite 120, near the Garden Ridge home improvement store.

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