Wednesday, July 2, 2003 |
Fayette schools seek a few good principalsBy J. FRANK
A widespread shuffle of personnel means several key positions at individual Fayette County schools remain to be filled with six weeks until students return to class. Two popular principals have moved to the central office, several more administrators retired, and the launch of two new schools created transfer opportunities for others. "This is normal," said Melinda Berry-Dreisbach, public information specialist for Fayette schools, pointing out that most all of the openings are the result of moves up the ladder. "These openings are created by attrition and promotion, very typical," she said. Assistant principals are being sought at Sandy Creek and Starr's Mill high schools, as well as North Fayette Elementary, according to the job postings page on the school district's website. A principal is needed for Robert Burch Elementary to replace Barry James, who retired. At the top of the chain, Faith Hardnett, formerly principal at East Fayette, is now in charge of student services at the county office. And Lyn Wenzel, who was principal at J. C. Booth, was promoted to be head of curriculum as part of Superintendent John DeCotis' new management structure. Hardnett and Wenzel essentially fill slots left open by the April retirement of Juliette Babb, executive director of school improvement, and the resignation late last year of Stuart Bennett, formerly assistant superintendent for education who now works under State Superintendent Cathy Cox. Thus, a dominos-like series of transfers was set in motion: Louis Robinson, principal at North Fayette for four years, will replace Hardnett as principal of East Fayette. Ted Lombard, who was an assistant principal at Starr's Mill, was named principal at J.C. Booth, replacing Wenzel. Jade Bolton, an assistant at North Fayette under Robinson, has been named principal. In other moves: Oatha Mann, assistant principal at Sandy Creek, has been named principal at Flat Rock Middle; Tyrone Jones, principal at Flat Rock, to assistant principal at McIntosh High; John Bouchell, assistant principal at Oak Grove to assistant principal at Starr's Mill High; Julie Turner, from assistant principal at Starr's Mill to asssiant principal at Oak Grove; Sharon Walters, from assistant principal at Huddleston Elementary to assistant principal at the new Crabapple Lane Elementary; Audrey Toney, from assistant principal at Flat Rock to assistant principal, Starr's Mill. A position titled director of LEC (LaFayette Educational Center) is also being opened to help balance the old workload of Mary Perry, who was principal of the evening high school until she retired in June.