Friday, June 13, 2003

Groups of citizens voice opposition to 24 hour car wash


Residents of the Georgian Park condominiums and St. Simons Cove subdivisions attended Monday night's meeting of the Peachtree City Planning Commission to speak out against a proposed 24-hour car wash.

The planning commission agenda featured the Georgian Park car wash as a workshop item, meaning no action would be taken on the item that evening. Tom Hardy of OMNI Consulting Services made his presentation, explaining that the car wash would be on a one acre parcel which is zoned general commercial. There is greenbelt to the north and east of the proposed site, the Holiday Inn and a Shell gas station to the west and the Georgian Park condiminiums and St. Simons Cove subdivisions to the south. When news of the proposed hours of operation was stated, it was met with boos and murmurs from the crowd.

Residents approached the podium and spoke for close to a half an hour about their concerns of traffic, safety, noise, bright lights, property values and water pollution. Many residents felt that unsavory characters would congregate at the car wash at all hours of the night, blaring music and committing crimes. Rick Mercer, President of the Georgian Park Condominium Association stated that the car wash would directly effect 52 residences across the street and that lots of residents are in opposition to the car wash. Frank Kimball, vice president of the Georgian Park Condominium Association, was very upset and stated that "he will do everything humanly possible to stop this project."

The members of the planning commission heard the citizen's concerns and also told Hardy what their concerns with the project were, namely the intensity of lights during the night, noise, protection of the greenbelt and protection of the water.

Despite the citizen's concerns, if the developers address the issues brought up by staff and the planning commission, it is likely to be approved. According to city planner David Rast, a car wash is an approved type of business for the general commercial zoning. The conceptual site plan for Georgian Park car wash is up for discussion at the June 23 meeting. Kimball stated that he will fill the room with people opposed to the project, if necessary.

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