The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, June 4, 2003

WWII veteran hopes to track down missing pages


Helen Denton, a World War II veteran and a member of General Dwight D. Eisenhower's staff in London and Paris, needs some help.

In April, she lent a local high school student, whose name and school she can't recall, several laminated pages from Stars and Stripes as well as two other regular newspapers from the World War II period. He was supposed to return them to her when he was done with them but now, as the school year is over, she has yet to receive them. This Friday is the anniversary of D-Day and Denton will be on a panel at a ceremony at the Atlanta History Center. She planned on having those newspapers for the ceremony and also needs them for future use.

"I go to a number of schools during the year and use them during those speaking engagements," said Denton, Commander of a local VFW post and a member on the advisory board of the military museum at Ft. McPherson. "When I no longer need them, they will enter a museum along with other memorabilia I have."

Among the missing issues are laminated front pages of when Pearl Harbor was attacked, when war was declared, when Hitler died and when President Roosevelt died.

If you have any information as to how to track down the student with these pages, phone 678-817-5888.

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