Sunday, June 1, 2003

The summer slump


No matter where you go or what church you are affiliated with, you will always hear the term "summer slump." This is something I have never understood, yet we all see it.

I realize that people have had a long winter and the kids have had a rough year in school and we are all appreciative of the warmer weather, but there is something basically wrong with this "summer slump" idea. This "summer slump" seems to be a time when people just totally drop out of their spiritual habits, spiritual growth and totally put themselves right in the center of the universe. They drop out of church like they are supposed to when the weather hits a certain temperature. It appears to be a time when all the bad habits of life are nurtured and watered.

I also realize that people need to, and like to, take a vacation with their families. I also very much like to do this but what if God got a case of the "summer slump"? What if God just got a good case of the "summer slump" and quit interacting with us and quit listening to our prayers? After all, "it is summer you know."

And what if He stopped painting the sunsets and numbering the stars and decided to let gravity take a break, just for the summer? What if He quit dealing with our relationships with our families and with other nations? What if He quit sending the great comforter, the Holy Spirit, to convict us of the sins in our lives and what if the Holy Spirit was on summer break and no one was saved during the summer?

If tomorrow morning you wake up and are able, to communicate in any way, or to walk, or speak, or type, or even move, then you are able to do God's year-long fall, winter, spring, and yes, summer bidding. I can certainly tell you that you are not supposed to go into some kind of "summer slump trance" and drop out of you church and drop your spiritual habits and life and live only for self, just because it's summer.

No one loves a cottage in the mountains more than I. Our family had one for the past ten years, but when it got to be God's day, we were in church. There is no hobby or sport or job or amount of money that is going to keep me or my family out of church on Sunday. I can further promise you that if a sport or hobby meets on Sunday and it's keeping you or your family members out of Church then you need to find a new hobby or a new sport or a new lifestyle.

I get the lamest excuses you have ever heard for not being in God's house on Sundays, and especially in the summer. I love it when they say "we travel during the summer." I have often wondered who in today's society has the funds to travel all summer. Just think of three meals a day and room and board and transportation all summer? I don't think so.

I see Christian parents that will walk in and sign up a child for a summer sport and think nothing of their child missing church and their youth group to insure they play on the team. Parents, the messages are clear very clear. First things first!

I also see parents assist their children in taking jobs that will totally conflict with their spiritual lives. They are teaching them that money is far more important than their spiritual lives and certainly more important than Christ's bride, the church. Parents, you and I will be held accountable for leading our most precious children down this primrose path.

And all the sports leaders that are scheduling their games and tournaments during the traditional church times are not helping children but thinking only of their "sports gods," not the God of creation or of our salvation. If the sports shoe fits you, wear it.

Christian parents should rise up and demand a schedule that allows our children to go to all their church activities, mostly on Wednesdays and certainly not Sundays where they have to miss church. Parents, think of the message you are sending.

A great cure for the "summer slump" is a good dose of summer dedication and involvement in your church. Pray that God doesn't take a break because it is summer. Stay in there and pitch with your church during the summer. God will bless you for it.

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is pastor of His House Community Church (SBC). The Rev. Greg Mausz is senior associate pastor. The Rev. Dr. Lydia Herndon is the Sunday School superintendent, Bible study coordinator and teacher. The church is just below Fayetteville, on Ga. Highway 85, a mile south of Ga. Highway 16, just below the fire station. Visitors welcome. Church office and prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail The church's new Web site is

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