Friday, May 16, 2003

New textbooks, calendar proposed among other matters at Board of Education meeting

The Fulton County Board of Education met for a combined work session/legislative session on May 8 at Dunwoody Springs Elementary School. The May 6 work session was cancelled due to inclement weather.

Highlights of information reports and Board-approved recommendations or actions are as follows:

Textbook adoption. (Presented for first reading and will be voted on at a later date)

New textbooks were proposed for the Advanced Placement Computer Science class. The adoption is necessary due to a decision by The College Board to change the programming language used in the course.

Elementary report card. (Presented for first reading and will be voted on at a later date)

Revisions to the elementary report card were presented. Proposals include issuing report cards every nine weeks, with a progress checklist completed three times a year. Teachers would generate the report card and checklist electronically.

2004-05 Calendar Proposal. (Presented for first reading and will be voted on at a later date)

The proposed school year calendar for 2004-2005 shows a start date of August 9, 2004, and end date of May 20, 2005.

New courses. (Presented for first reading and will be voted on at a later date)

Five courses currently being piloted have been recommended for full implementation next year. The courses are Foundations of Family and Consumer Sciences, Dramatic Arts/Film/Video and Television I, Junior ROTC Army Levels 5-8, Jobs for Georgia Graduates I, and Hebrew III. One course, Junior ROTC Experiential Leadership Program, is being recommended for elimination due to changes in the Department of the Army and State Department of Education curriculum.

Health education materials. (Presented for first reading and will be voted on at a later date)

The Health Education Advisory Committee has recommended for approval an American Red Cross video on HIV prevention education.

Charter school amendment. (Presented for first reading and will be voted on at a later date)

The Fulton Science Academy is requesting amendments allowing non-certified teachers to teach TAG (Talented and Gifted), math, and foreign language courses and to change the composition of the Governing Board.

Tuition programs. (Presented for first reading and will be voted on at a later date)

The Board discussed piloting a program at Riverwood High School allowing students from outside the district to attend the magnet program at the school on a tuition basis.

Eighth grade charter expansion. A request from Victory Charter School to expand to the eighth grade was denied.

Policies and procedures. The Board reviewed the student discipline/code of conduct procedure regarding dress code and cell phones. Accepted for first reading were changes to the audience to visitors, professional positions/hiring, grading and reporting, and promotion and retention policies and procedures.

New Principals. Telana Hicks, principal in Compton, Calif., was hired as the new Gullatt Elementary School principal. She replaces retiring Principal Florence Bennett. Ronald Taylor, director of teacher recruitment with New Orleans Public Schools, will replace Principal Anita Willingham at McNair Middle School. Darryl Felker, assistant principal at Brookview Elementary, will replace Principal Jonathan Straughn at Mount Olive Elementary, and Emily Massey, assistant principal at Bethune Elementary, will become principal at Seaborn Lee Elementary. She replaces Rebecca Cabine, who will become assistant principal at Paul D. West Middle School.

Changes to facilities plan. The Board accepted for information the Quarterly Project Status Report and changes to the educational program for the Freemanville Road High School site and North Springs High School. The 2002-07 Local Facilities Plan also received approval. As part of the Capital Programs Board Action Report, the Board approved plans for additions at Campbell Elementary School and Creekside, Banneker, and Riverwood high schools.

Millage rate discussion. The board set a tentative FY04 millage rate of 18.10 mills. This is a partial rollback of .36 mills. The Board encouraged staff to continue to look for ways to reduce the budget while still providing raises for employees, if possible.

In accordance with the Taxpayers Bill of Rights, the Board will hold three public hearings on the tentative millage rate.