The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Pfeifer returns to commission meeting


After a nearly six-month absence, Fayette County Commissioner Peter Pfeifer returned to work last week in the County Commission chambers.

Last December, Pfeifer was rushed to the hospital with a severe headache. Several tests determined Pfeifer had bleeding of the brain and a long rehabilitation process started.

"Thankfully, I don't remember most of it. I don't even remember the headache," he said.

He said that doctors never fully determined what caused the problem and said sometimes it just occurs in individuals.

Pfeifer was extremely thankful for all the support he received during the ordeal.

"These prayers and thoughts were a factor that was, and is, a tremendous help to me. I thank you all for the numerous expressions of those devotions and regards that I received," he said.

He handed out a statement to the press at the meeting, which caused several of the commissioners to start laughing.

"He's just got back to work, and already writing letters to the papers," said Commissioner A.G. VanLandingham.

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