The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Oxendine reminds Georgians to change clock, battery

Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John W. Oxendine is urging Georgians to change the batteries in their smoke alarms at the same time they change their clocks to daylight saving time April 6.

In conjunction with the "Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery" fire safety program sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chiefs and the American Burn Association, Oxendine says the annual change from standard time to daylight saving time in the spring is a good time to make sure your smoke alarm is functioning properly.

"If you have a smoke alarm, make sure it's in working order," Oxendine said. "Changing the battery every year and cleaning dust from the device are easy ways to ensure continued protection of your family and your property. And while you're thinking about fire safety, plan and rehearse an escape route your family can use in the event of fire."

Daylight saving time begins Sunday, April 6, at 2 a.m., when clocks are set ahead one hour.

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