The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Kedron students learn about technology at academic fair


Kedron Elementary School students are taking an educational field trip this week without having to leave their school.

The school is having its sixth annual academic fair this week and this year's theme is technology. The educational fair takes place in the school's gym through Thursday of this week and looks like a children's museum filled with educational, hands-on exhibits. There are four sections at the fair: computers, electronics biotechnology and telecommunications.

Each section has several sub-stations where students participate in activities geared towards that topic. An example of this is the "Who Wants To Be a Megabyte" game in the computer section. Students split into two sections and answer computer based questions for points. Each team also has several life lines for help, much like the quiz show, "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?" Each day of the academic fair is geared towards students of different ages.

Other things of interest at the fair this year included a Roomba, a self navigating vacuum cleaner; a "Enter the Internet" tube maze; a robotic arm, a Van de Graff generator and exhibits on fiber optics, morse code, electromagnetics, DNA puzzles, and much more. One of the highlights of the fair was a Corbin Sparrow, an electric car that can travel up to speeds of 70 miles per hour.

Over 200 volunteers helped bring the academic fair to life, including parents, professionals and high school students. The planning for this year's fair started after Thanksgiving. The 850 students at Kedron Elementary School enjoy learning and having fun at the academic fair, as do the people involved in creating it.

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