The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Fville police collecting items for American troops overseas

The Fayetteville Police Department is collecting items to donate to America's military service members through a program called Operation Shoe Box in Florida.

Operation Shoe Box will package the items and mail them to service members who are deployed in Kuwait, Afghanistan and other areas where there are few services available to the troops.

Items may be dropped off at the Fayetteville Police Department at 105 Johnson Ave. weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The department will be taking donations until Friday, April 18.

Currently, Fayetteville police officer Warren Hartley was called to active duty and he has not yet returned.

All items, including monetary donations, will be made to "Operation Shoe Box" on behalf of the Citizens of Fayetteville, Georgia. You can find out more about "Operation Shoe Box" at

Suggested items that are needed are as follows:

Batteries (both AA and D sizes), dental floss, cassette tapes, CDs, mouthwash, stationery sets, baby wipes, travel games;

Q-Tips, twizzlers candy, waterless hand sanitizer, crossword puzzles, tissues, books, novels, eye drops, magazines;

Saline nasal spray, local newspapers, deodorant, playing cards, toilet paper, paper/envelopes/pens, stamps, hand lotion;

Tylenol (individual packets), disposable cameras, cushioned socks wash rags, shoe insole cushions, nail clippers, cold water wash detergent (Woolite), candy (heat-resistant), gum -no sticks;

Cereal in small boxes, hairbrushes/combs, ramen noodles,sewing kits, hot chocolate mix, lip balm, sweet tea mix;

Cotton balls, powdered drink mix, Ssunscreen, foot powder, disposable razors, soap, shampoo;

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, instant oatmeal, dry goods/food, granola bars, Ravioli and other canned food in pop-top cans;

Girl Scout cookies, coffee creamer, instant coffee, condiment packages, sunflower seeds

Beef jerky, Ziploc-type bags, powdered milk and feminine hygiene products.


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