The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Samaritans need another $26,500


The construction stage of the new building for the Fayette Samaritans is advancing daily.

A total of $90,000 was needed, either in cash donations or in-kind donations. However, $26,500 must be raised in the next couple of weeks in order to begin construction by the end of April. Sixty-five representatives from Fayette County churches are involved in working out details for the 2,400 square-foot home for the Samaritans.

Begun in 1972, the nonprofit organization has been housed in various "loaned" offices and has grown to the point that it needs it own large space.

Donations of supplies, volunteer labor and cash are needed. If you can make a cash donation, make the check out to the Fayette Samaritans Building Fund, 213 Jeff Davis Place, Suite 102, Fayetteville, Ga., 30214.

If you can donate building supplies or volunteer labor, contact Charlie Charping, 770-461-6009.

Top 10 needs

The Fayette Samaritans are asking for area residents to donate the following items to the local charity to help people with immediate needs.

1. Oatmeal.

2. Clothes detergent (99¢ box Sun).

3. Canned mixed vegetables.

4. Canned greens, turnip, collards, etc.

5. Instant potatoes.

6. Apple sauce.

7. Canned carrots.

8. Jams and jellies.

9. Hand soap.

10. Peanut butter.

Drop off your donations at The Fayette Samaritans, 213 North Jeff Davis Place, Suite 102, Fayetteville, near IHOP. Their phone is 770-719-2707. They are open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon.