Wednesday, March 19, 2003 |
New American Legion post in Peachtree CityPeachtree City now has its first American Legion post. Originally formed in 1931 in College Park, Lyle-Brewster Post 50 was named for two young men from College Park who were killed during World War I: D.C. Lyle and E.F. Brewster. After moving to Union City in 1997, the post entered into an agreement with the Commemorative Air Force Museum at Falcon Field. The current membership of Post 50 is 253, and 95 attended the first meeting at Falcon Field in December. Squad 50 of the Sons of the American Legion is being reactivated this month with 10 members, and the Ladies Auxiliary currently has 36 members and is looking to grow. Regular post meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., following a 6 p.m. covered-dish dinner. The post is working with Sandy Creek High School on the Georgia Boys State program and the ROTC awards program. The American Legion was formed in 1919 by World War I veterans meeting simultaneously in Paris and St. Louis. The purpose was to assist veterans returning from the war and their families with jobs, medical care and other needs. The Legion was set up by an act of the U.S. Congress and is the world's largest veterans organization with more than five million members. For more information on Post 50, contact the post home at 770-233-8271, commander Mike Conley at 770-996-1620 or 770-412-1210, or John Zerillo at 770-631-1297.