Friday, February 21, 2003

Ordinance to protect Fairburn's watershed areas

Special to The Citizen

Last Monday night, The Fairburn City Councilmen approved a Watershed Protection Ordinance.

According to City Administrator Jim Williams, the Watershed Protection Ordinance promotes good site planning and properly protects the watershed areas within the city of Fairburn. The recommended ordinance contains several key elements:

All streams, bodies of water, detention/retention areas, 100-year flood plains, wetlands or other state waters, and their required watershed protection buffers, which are included on a tract of a proposed development project or adjacent to such tract, shall be platted and dedicated to the city as permanent open space, and shall not be used in the calculation of required open space for the tract or in determining the net density of a proposed residential cluster project within a Greenspace Overlay zoning district.

The finished floor elevation of any structure adjacent to a 100-year floodplain must be at least three feet above the level of that floodplain.