The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Rotary Clubs form local alliance

The whole can indeed be greater than the sum of its parts, and the Rotary Clubs of Fayetteville and Peachtree City, along with the Fayette Daybreak Rotary Club, are joining together to prove this true.

Recently the three clubs formed an alliance known as the Southern Crescent Rotary Council. "By coming together, these Rotary Clubs will be able to accomplish more and bigger community service projects than they can do independently," said Bob Tumperi of the Newnan Rotary Club and current Rotary District 6900 assistant governor for the Peachtree City and Fayetteville clubs.

Tumperi and George Lawrence, who serves as assistant distict governor for the Fayette Daybreak Club, are co-chairmen of the Council. The three club presidents Dale Phenicie of Peachtree City, Larry Lake of Fayetteville, and Tommy Carroll of Fayette Daybreak serve on the Council as representatives.

Membership in the alliance is open to all Rotary Clubs in the Southern Crescent.

An early cooperative venture of the group is support of the Fayette Field of Hope project, which will provide a completely handicapped-accessible baseball field for Challenger League youth. This facility will be used by all eligible players within the Southern Crescent and by the visiting teams they play.

Anyone needing more information about the Rotary Council or Field of Hope project should contact any member of one of the participating Rotary Clubs.

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