The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

PTC Fire Chief Lohr: 'Be ready to camp for 4 days'


Peachtree City emergency officials want residents to prepare for a potential chemical or biological attack the same way one would for any major disaster such as a flood or hurricane.

That's why Fire Chief Stony Lohr is asking citizens to stock up on supplies as if they're going camping for four days.

If a chemical or biological attack strikes Peachtree City, and residents aren't prepared to help protect themselves, it would put an incredible strain on the city's firefighting and EMS corps, Lohr said.

"If personal preparedness doesn't happen, everything else is gonna go south," Lohr said. "We need people to help themselves and their neighbors."

In addition to food, water, and a supply of any prescription medicine on hand, residents should also keep a battery-powered portable radio on hand so the government has a way to give information to the public, Lohr said. A recent snowstorm in North Carolina, for example, lasted a week and government officials "couldn't get information to citizens," Lohr said.

Lohr also recommends keeping more than a half a tank of gas in their vehicles in case there is a need to evacuate.

"They may not have time to fill up the tank," Lohr said.

Citizens might also want to consider adding a flashlight or cyalume nightsticks (which glow in the dark) to their emergency preparedness kits, Lohr said. Candles are not a good idea to provide light simply because of the danger of an open flame, he added.

Crews are already prepared to handle the fallout from a chemical or biological attack, Lohr said.

"There are chemicals running through here every day on trucks and rail cars," Lohr said.

Shelters have also been identified in case an evacuation takes place, Lohr said.