The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

System has crisis plans to protect schools, students


Fayette County's public schools have a crisis plan in place for any type of emergency, including one related to homeland security, a school system spokesperson said.

"We've got plan to handle anything that happens biological, bomb threats, tornadoes any type of disaster that can hit a school," said Melinda Berry-Dreisbach. "If anything like that happens, we would work with the media to let parents where and when to pick up their children."

The school system does not publicize exact details of its crisis plan in advance, because officials do not want terrorists or other potential wrongdoers to know things that would put children in danger, she added. The plan is approved by the state, and personnel at every school are briefed on it.

One item specifically relating to homeland security now being addressed by the school system in the threat of smallpox, Berry-Dreisbach said. A plan is in the works to allow the general public to come to the schools and receive vaccinations by school nurses if the government deems it necessary.

As is routinely done around the country in the event of severe weather, the school system would open its buildings as possible shelters if the community needed them, she added.