The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Model UN team makes a clean sweep

Fayette County's only Model UN (United Nations) team at Sandy Creek High has achieved something that none of its competitors can equal: winning a delegation award at every conference attended this year.

The team just finished participating in a Model UN Conference at the University of Georgia, where the Democratic Republic of Congo delegation was the winner of the conference's Distinguished Delegation Award. The students participating on the delegation were John Akin, Matt Alberts, Matt Bufford, Matt Coffey, Samuel Lee, Melissa Wilbur and Chase Wilson.

Additionally, Akin and Coffey were named Most Outstanding Speakers of the General Assembly. Since the general assembly is the largest of the conference committees, this designation is the most prestigious of all the speaker awards given. Lee and Aaron Crisp were awarded honorable mention speaker awards.

Over 400 students participated in the UGA conference representing both public and private schools in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida. Sandy Creek's team award ranked the school's Democratic Republic of Congo delegation in second place out of the 58 competing delegations at the conference.

"We have received a delegation award at every conference we attended this year. No other school attending these conferences has a showing that equals this achievement," said team sponsor Marlene Holland.

Earlier in the academic year the team received delegation awards at both the Georgia State University and Georgia Technical Institute conferences.

The team earned a total of 20 speaker awards for 2002-2003. Coffey distinguished himself by receiving speaker awards at all three conferences. A total of 39 Sandy Creek students participated in Model UN conferences on university campuses this year.

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