Sunday, February 2, 2003

The personality of Jesus


I have often wondered what it was like to be in the presence of Jesus. I know from personal experience, that I have felt His presence very strongly at times, and it is too wonderful for words. As a believer and a follower of Jesus, I have accepted His universal truths as the Bible states them. I say this because in my Christian walk I have met people who pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to apply to themselves and leave other parts for others and argue that "for them" they are not true! I want to say that I believe all it says with the understanding that it needs to not be taken out of context. If one says that a certain part of the Bible is untrue, then it begs the following questions: Which part is untrue? Who then is to say which part is untrue? Is it the man or woman with the most degrees on their wall? If you run these questions through their logical conclusions, then you have a "person centered theology" and that person is often not Jesus of Nazareth. The inspiration of His Word, the creation story, the miraculous miracles of the Old and New Testament, the virgin birth of Jesus, his teachings, his death on the cross, his blood atonement, bodily resurrection, and his imminent return are all the power of who He was. If one takes away any of these it diminishes the fact that He was the Son of God! The reason this is all important to me is the fact that I believe that Jesus was all that His Word states He was and that brings me to a conclusion that He must have been not only divine and man at the same time, but fun to be with! I say this in attempting to define His "personality." We only have the early writers on this subject but we know that he lived and moved in-between men and women of all social levels of His society. In fact this is one of the things that got him into trouble with the religious establishment. The part of His personality that I especially love is the fact that he went down to the Sea of Galilee and found some common men fishing and simply said to them, "follow me and I will make you fishers of men." These men did not say to Jesus, "let me go pray about this" or "let me go talk to my wife," or a wealth of excuses I hear on a daily basis of why American men and women can't quite squeeze in a couple of hours a week to worship. The Bible says in the KJV "straightway they left their nets and followed Him." All of these men except for John died a terrible, horrible death. John died of natural causes on the Island of Patmos writing the "Revelation." On Tuesday the 4th of February at 6:30 p.m. two churches will be partnering in hosting our "Wild Game Dinner!" I tell you this because at that dinner there will be men and women who were the kind of people Jesus called to do His ministry. I don't want to make too much of this but I truly love hunters and fishermen. There is something different and very real with a true sportsman or a true sportswoman. Usually their word is their bond. You can count on them to do what they say they will do. I believe Jesus knew this when he asked them to "follow Him."

When you come to the dinner you will meet men and women from all walks of life and hopefully meet a new hunting or fishing partner. We only have 200, $6.00 tickets so please call either the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church at 770-461-3403 or His House Community Church at 770-719-2365. The dinner will be at Prince of Peach Lutheran Church on Highway 314 Fayetteville behind Lowe's going north. PS Bring your hunting and fishing photos to share with others of like mind and spirit!! God Bless you and Your FamilyFish On!!!

[Check out our new website at: Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of "His House Community Church" (SBC) Rev. Greg Mausz is Sr. Assoc. Pastor. Dr. Lydia Herndon is the Sunday School Superintendent, Bible study coordinator and teacher. The church has moved to the new location just below Fayetteville, on GA. Highway 85. As you leave Fayetteville going South on Highway 85, you cross Highway 16, at the Senoia intersection. It is a mile on the right just below the fire station. If you are not in a church, come visit us. Church office and Prayer line (770)-719-2365 E-Mail]

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