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Wednesday, January 8, 2003

Turns out, Mayor Brown was right . . .

Well, Ollie, it's a fine mess you've got us in.

Books for guys who like books

I'm off to a decent start on one of my biggest New Year's resolutions, which is to do a great deal more reading in 2003. The goal is to plow through 25 books by the end of the year, and I'm in the middle of the second one already.

Remembering my dad . . .
Laugh Lines

This past week was the sixth anniversary of the passing of my dad. Normally this would be a totally sad remembrance but, I choose to see it more as bittersweet. Enough time has passed that I can look back and remember first the goodness of even having a father in the home. Enough time has passed too that I can look back at all the good things (and a few bad) that I grew up with, and laugh.


Legislature needs to level legal playing field

Special days are ahead for the upcoming session of the Georgia General Assembly. We embark upon this new session with Republican control of the state Senate and the Governor's mansion. While Gov. Perdue has his plate full with a tight budget, ethics, education reform and redistricting, there are other opportunities, unprecedented in recent years.

Pagan transition complete

I can accept "holiday" shopping. I can live with "winter break" from school. However, the attempts to suppress the name of Christ from Christmas have gone too far.

Local Republicans have no problem feeding at the LOST trough for 10 more years

Addiction exacts a terrible toll. That's why we teach our children not to take up smoking, which is costly, filthy and unhealthy. That's also why we tell them not to use illegal drugs that can turn them into zombies. When alcohol is consumed, we urge moderation, for the same reasons. Many of us also worry that state-sponsored lotteries may foster gambling addiction in some vulnerable people.

Founders had right idea about taxes, government

"Regarding taxes and fairness": What Cal understands but Timothy Parker does not is that each individual has the right to his own life and productivity. The Framers of our Constitution understood that principle and codified it.

Serviceman in Kuwait likes Citizen online, 'Carol' story

    Cal, I really enjoyed your Christmas story on this beautiful Christmas Day. Regardless of where we are, Christmas still brings many of us a "prickle."

Current mayor stalling on fixing Hwy. 54 traffic

It was interesting to read Mayor Brown's letter to the editor over the Christmas holidays. At our house we assumed it was a parody and derived a good deal of laughter and enjoyment from it. However, I have since learned that our mayor was serious. On that basis the community deserves some accurate information about several of the topics the mayor addressed.

Ethics ordinances being rewritten raises questions

The Peachtree City Ethics Committee has been holding meetings to make significant changes to the ethics ordinances in Peachtree City. These meetings seem to be fallout from last year's ethics complaints against Mayor Steve Brown and Councilman Steve Rapson. It was after Rapson's compliant that the "need" for updating the ordinances was "discovered."

Mayor Brown: Sticking to principles can be tough

In a time when politicians appear to be concerned only with winning votes, not with statesmanship or courage, the citizens must certainly be saying, "Who can we trust?"

Hwy. 74 land deal shows why recall is necessary

The city has received numerous offers from developers, organizations and businesses who were interested in purchasing the tract, which is just under an acre and is the former site of the old Leach Fire Station, Rast said.

U.S. sense of superiority could take a battle blow

Sean Hannity says it'll take "about 15 minutes." Bill O'Reilly declared we could take Iraq "with minimum casualties." Lucianne Goldberg thinks we ought to bomb that North Korean nuclear reactor currently being reactivated. When pressed by the host on CNBC how we should do this, she declared: "We must have a carrier over there somewhere." If these statements are representative of your thinking, you are not alone.

Advocates for same-sex unions do disservice to gay people

The Conservative Jews who are reopening discussion about the ban on same-sex unions and ordaining homosexuals are doomed to failure unless they educate themselves about the true nature of homosexuality.

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