The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

PTC council to fill vacancies, consider rezoning properties for land use plan


The Peachtree City Council will consider filling several impending vacancies on the city's Recreation Commission, Airport Authority and Water and Sewerage Authority at its regular meeting Thursday night.

Also set on the fairly light agenda is consideration of a slate of "housekeeping" rezonings offered up by the Peachtree City Planning Commission. Most of the parcels to be rezoned are either owned by the city, Fayette County or the school board.

The Planning Commission is recommending the rezonings so those parcels will be more in line with the latest version of the city's land use plan, which was adopted in March.

A number of the rezonings will change parks and recreation facilities to open space. Several additional parcels in the industrial park would also be rezoned to airport industrial.

The city originally wanted to rezone several office buildings from general commercial to limited use commercial, and several day care centers from residential to limited use commercial, but those proposals were dropped upon request of the owners.

Among the city-owned properties the commission proposes rezoning to open space are the South 74 baseball and soccer complex, the Meade Field softball complex, Big Pine Park at Boxwood Court and Sweetgum Road, Smokerise Park at Smokerise Trace and Smokerise Point, Stoneacre Park off Stoneacre Curve and Ardenlee Park off Ardenlee Parkway.

Other city-owned property that would be rezoned open space includes the Satterthwaite and Weber fire stations.

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