Friday, December 6, 2002

Cut your own tree?

Woman believes backyard thief may have been looking for Christmas tree


Gale Botwick's holiday spirit has diminished somewhat after a thief cut down a tree from her Peachtree City back yard this weekend.

The nine-foot leyland cypress was one of 33 she had planted to buffer her home from the newly-paved Sumner Road after she was unhappy with the city's efforts to landscape the area with smaller trees. In all she spent $6,500 to have the area relandscaped so she could have the peace and quiet she was accustomed to.

But now there's a gap in that wall of trees, where the tree stump was left sticking out of the ground.

"This was a deliberate act," Botwick said, adding that she's not upset about the money involved, but the principle of the situation. She would rather have given the person $50 to buy a Christmas tree the old-fashioned way.

"You have all these positive feelings about people and then this kind of thing happens," Botwick said.

A police report was filed on the incident; Botwick believes it happened late Saturday night since a neighbor reported seeing a light in the area at the time.

Botwick doesn't think the crime was committed by anyone in Peachtree City, however.

"I figure it was someone who came by and was scouting," for a Christmas tree, Botwick said.

Whomever took her tree, "I hope they have a nice Christmas," Botwick said with a wry chuckle of sarcasm. "I hope they enjoy the tree. I certainly enjoyed it."

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