The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Synagogue dedicated in Fayette


Congregation B'Nai Israel in Fayetteville recently held a dedication service for the first-ever Jewish meeting place on the southside.

The 21-year-old congregation had been meeting for all that time at the Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church and jsut completed constructing its very own home.

Said Dr. Norman Field, construction chairman, "The Israelites had to wander for 40 years, and we only had to wander for 21 years. Although I was beginning to worry."

Nearly 200 members, friends, and those instrumental in the construction were thanked by congregation officers and members.

Dr. Michael Goldstein gave praise to the builders, K.C. Nummy & Associates, for the construction and concern for details. The congregation wanted to be in its new facility for the High Holy Days in September, and members of the construction team went above and beyond to take care of last-minute details so that a certificate of occupancy could be obtained in time.

A thank-you gift to Christ Our Hope came in the form of a drawing of the church in appreciation for allowing B'Nai Israel to share their facilities for so many years.

Rabbi Louis Feldstein said that the new synagogue was a place of sanctity and values. "These values are reflected in the daily lives of our congregates and we know no strangers here," he said. "This is truly a day that God has made."

The synagogue is on Ga. Highway 54 east at Corinth Road and can be reached at 770-471-3586. Its web site is at

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