Friday, November 1, 2002

Edwards responds


Fulton County Commissioner Bill Edwards is tired of the political games played behind the scenes at the Fulton County Commission.

Edwards, and the other Democratic commissioners, came under fire last week for cutting Chairman Mike Kenn's staff and adding one staff member to each of the other commissioner's staff.

"For the last 18 years, the county has grown, but the staff hasn't," Edwards said.

Shortly after the vote, Edwards was the focus of an investigation aired by Fox 5 News that showed him being taken to functions by Fulton County Police cars, and in one instance, by a helicopter.

"I just don't think I should have to put all those miles on my car when I'm doing the county's business," he said.

Edwards said the report was clearly inspired by the vote to cut the Kenn's staff, and he thinks the county has bigger problems to try and solve.

"People are hungry out there, and we're playing games with each other," he said.

Edwards said he is in the government business "for the people" and he's finished with any political games.

"I'm not going to retaliate anymore. I'm just going to focus on serving my constituents," he said.