Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Health fair this weekend

Benchmark Integrative Medicine, LLC is offering a unique health fair, with the primary emphasis on pain management, this Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at its Peachtree City location.

The fair also features Benchmark's newly expanded alternative medicine division. Dr. Andre Morissette, a degreed Naturopathic doctor from the Clayton School of Natural Health has been hired to direct the division.

The clinic has also installed a highly sophisticated computer analysis system that analyzes the patient's blood, urine, and saliva. The information gained from this fasting assessment, provides a more scientific measurement of cellular function and nutritional and mineral deficiencies. With this assessment, specific recommendations can be made to the patient to help correct the deficiencies that should lead to improve cellular function, which translates into improved health. Dr. Morissette will be presenting a seminar at the health fair and will offer more detailed information on this very unique technology.

The health fair will have a variety of free testing procedures including their non-invasive sensory nerve test that can conditions such as carpal tunnel and neuropathies, as well as other nerve related conditions. There will also be a seminar presented by Jeff Dixson, on fibromyalgia, the program will present a unique insight into what the doctors at Benchmark Integrative Medicine have found as the underlying cause of this very debilitating condition. Jeff will also present information as to the process used by the Benchmark Integrative Medicine clinic to reverse the symptoms of fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions.

The fair will also feature complimentary pain treatments, aimed at demonstrating the highly effective treatment technology used at the clinic. There will also be free consultations with both the medical physician, Alimam Neal, M.D., Board Certified in Pain Management and Anesthesiology. The consultations should be scheduled by calling the clinic at 770-487-0029. Food and refreshment are available, and a nutritional sale on physician grade nutritional supplements.

The fair location is 138 Peachtree Court, suite 101. Peachtree court intersects with hwy 54, between Ach hardware and Governors Square east of Peachtree City, near the Publix shopping center. Directions are also available on Benchmark Integrative Medicine web site,

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